Monday, February 1, 2010

Storys from Namitembo


Unknown said...

Hi Joe,
Just a little email to let you and the guys know that Marion is well. She is working with me in the nursery. She is enjoying being with the little babies the most and she is great to have around. We have taken some photos for you and the boys. I have attached them to this email, hope you can open them.
We see Lloyd Whiskey quite often. He is always asking after you guys and telling us how much fun he had whilst you were all here in Namitembo. He misses you and hope to see you all again some time.
Thanks once again for all the equipment you sent us for the nursery. Say hi to Mary for us and tell her that we are all looking forward to seeing her again.
From Sarah and Marion

Unknown said...

Dear all,
I am doing very well. The heat is lovely, did yous not get the snow yet?! I feel really at home here and everyone is so nice. At school the children are lovely, their children and parents are really nice too.
It's an early start in the morning, 5:00. Mass at 6:00 then breakfast. School starts at 7:00 until 12:00, and by high noon I am exhausted so I just lay down. I am eating very well but not putting on one ounce of weight.
We are out in the wilds here. No pubs, no shops, no nothing. We go to town once a week for some shopping and I have the children round everyday for sweets! Everyone waits up at the door for lollipops. I had 10 one day and I raced them all. Told them to come back at 5:00. I was having my seiester!
Mass on Sunday's here is lovely. It is 2 and a half hours but I really enjoy it with all the singing and dancing and children. We all join in clapping hands and dancing. We will have to start this at home. Add a bit of life to our mass!
This is just a short note for now because we are a bit late for school!
God Bless all, and I don't miss any of you one little bit! Ha ha, just joking.
I am leaning the Chichewa and I'll return in 10 years time, ha ha.
Love Marion, God Bless.

Unknown said...

All correspondance from Sarah n Marion: this is one from Lloyd Whisky

Hi Joe,
I am just emailing you to pass on a message from Lloyd Whiskey. He wrote it on some paper for me to send and type up for you to read. Here it is;
Hi Joe,
How is Ireland? To talk about here in Malawi is fine.
Thank you for the many things you done for me. I heard from Sarah that I should bring my children to the nursery school. Joe I remember you all the time because so many things you done fo me.
God bless you all the time.
When you met with Rodger you should greet for me.
I received email, but fail to answer. Sarah will write it.

Lloyd Whiskey

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary
These Kids Made it to School