Saturday, October 4, 2008

Second Leg of Journey

Well all the men are wrecked with the Start of the First stage of the Journey.

We are now in Dare sa Laam, for a 5 hour wait for the next leg of our journey home.
So i booked into the first class Lounge, in airport to get some of the Stories finished. All the guys are really upset as we now know that we are on way home. Leaving the people and especially the kids, is I think one of the hardest thing we have done. Just seeing thoes faces saying good bye. Lets jsut say grown men do cry.

Getting back to Namitembo, when we were heading up to say cheerio to the local workers. The children were all following us up to the site. So by the time we got there, the site was packed out.
Between the school next door on break at same time we landed. Everyone in the village was out to say goodbye from the youngest to the oldest. It caused a Street Fest for a short time so we had to get out of their before their was a riot, men were crying ,had few lumps in my throat myself.

We had a make shift stage which was our pickup, Dessie one of our guys put a CD on the song was a local guy called JIMMY K.MUILLION, with the local music going full swing, then the fun started. We all started singing and of course I was up on top of the pickup roof giving my impression of Freddy Mercury, so all the men got singing and then in turn the kids and it just went mad. everyone was singing and crying all at once. It was hard to be happy and sad at the same time as we knew it was time to go.

Then headed down to workshop to say bye to workers, down at the capenters workshop. Henry the foreman was there and he was realy upset. Over the month Henry told me some things of his own life and it is too upsetting to write these down on paper. He is an amasing man and i will neve forget him.

First person i saw was mcLean, he got me started when he had a tear in his eye. Mclean was our guide on the site he was the guy that looked after us and made sure we were safe, when we did go out for supplies he was the one that travelled with us to make sure we were ok. He came up and put his arms around me and wouldnt let go, I couldnt speak at that point so made a bee line for the pickup.

Never have WE experienced so much love from the people from Namitembo.

I hope to have more pictures on as network is up and going good here at the airport for now but lets see how many i load in time before my flight. When i get home i'll set up more slideshows to showyou the people of Namitembo.

Fr Eóin, is a Man in a million , he is almost 30 yrs doing what he has been doin best. Saving Lives in Namitembo and if he is able to have a steady flow of Volunteers to help him with his future projects. So if anyone is interested in taking on a Serious Challenge, then dont hesitate to comment and leave your email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Fr Eoin email address is
Fr Eoin O Donnell smm
Namitembo Mission
P.O. Box 545, Zomba
House Tel. 00265939691

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mary O'Neil & Diane, and all who helped make our stay most welcome.
Fr Frank for just being their as he is a really nice Man.

John Duffel for Supporting Fr Eóin, (right Hand Man), keep up the good work John, I'l try and get onto Banks for Sponsorship. Maybe get some old computers from banks that are upgrading there systems. So if any Banks are on my Blog take note as I want at least 50 for Namitembo Computer Programme, John Duffel has mentioned to me that he needs all the help he can get.

What i see with Namitembo is Lack of Technology amongest other things. The People will be able to learn lot faster if there was more Computer and computer classes.

Fr Eóin is one of a Kind and held in very high regard. he really made our stay something to remember. His faith and the faith that he had for us was amasing. Just a note for Fr Eoin "the Chombo was great (thats the fish we ate) he is a First Class priest and man and want him to know that Roger and His Team are 100% behind him for the Future. On that note there is another project starting in April 2009 and its named,


The above is going to be a place/building for the volunteers to stay.It will accomdate 8 men while they are out there working. As it is at the moment its very tight for space for the volunteers. And its us that will be building it as we are all heading out again in April. So if anyone wants to join us please contact Fr Eoin ASAP. As he is waiting hard.

If there are any architects out there intrested in making a plan for the above please contact Fr Eoin

so get your self on to Mary or Fr Eóin and get your name in early for April 09.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work for a wonderful cause. Sorry didn't get to meet up with you before you went. I had the privledge of visiting in 2006 and had hoped to be back this year but hasn't worked so far. will talk to you before you head back in April. Lughaidh mac Giolla Bhrighde Co. Choire

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary
These Kids Made it to School