Sunday, October 12, 2008


well Everyone, sorry for the big Pause, but Was going through my own Hell, with a difference, went 25 rounds with Mohamed Ali, on my Stomach, But wont stop me going on Next Project ,Scheduled for June/July 09,
but for now let me tell you what I Plan on doing with this Site,

Promoting it some more
Put as many Pictures of the people on this Site as I Can,

SO anyway we all got Home Safely , But had a few casualties . Andy had go now Doc , Had Wart on his Bum, but it burst on him in his Sleep, I Myself, was out of Commission till the Following Thursday, Had Bad Stomach, Lost Almost 2 Stone,

But Wont stop me Heading back out for next Tour.....need Tie me Down to Stop me.

Bwanna Rua had few bad days too,Hugh an rest of Lads made it ok too.

Not to Mention our Very own Paddy, From Falkirk, well we Lucky to get him home at All as Kids werent going to let him out , As he didnt Return his Empties,(Private Joke).Anyway would like to Say thanks to All the Lads again for Being Their, when it Helped the Most,to work As a Team.

So I;l not be to Far from my blog as Lots to be doing with Uploads an All,
Trying to Organize for more Sponsorship for Children of Namitembo.

Watch this Space As Always

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Children of Namitembo CD Secondary

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary
These Kids Made it to School