Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday Morning Start 06:30

Well Rosses Bhoys were up sharp 06:00 this morning,on job at 06:30 .

All Panic ...

went to organise tools ,got problems with Commnication as nobody could get us what we wanted, one man was sent to see Mariango, the store Man next to site for Extention lead,so went over and no leadneeded repairing, so had to then go down to see a Man called Friday,great english speaker He is the Namitembo Project Electricial,

Fr Owen and Paddy went into town for our Supplies,Drills/Grinders ,Heavy Machinery

Also to Pick up 3 of the Lads Luggage from Airport, But no Joy
Spoke again with mr Friday asked him to arrange for to communicate for me to Get things Moving.
before breakfast we were all Beat with 29 degrees of heat ,lots water drinking for the novices of Donegal,
Harmony was there from the start so craic was mighty,
by lunchtime Shutters were flying along walls , Preparing for the Concrete, Good worker Called Lloyd is proving himself before Tea time,so he on Finishing/Floors, Jobs moving on Faster now.


Mary Malawi said...

Hi glad the first went well. and Mr Friday and Lloyd were of help. Happy birthday to John the volunteer from the USA hope you enjoyed the cake.

BrĂ­an Mayo said...

Well done Bro, your doing mighty. Checking in every day to see what you guys have been up to. You must try and get some photos uploaded for us to see. And ask one of the guys to get some photos of you.
Love you Bro

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe..not quite like popping down to the the cope then..glad it got sorted, if it was too easy it wouldn't be a challenge now would it...tell Hugh the disguise is good...(I thought hmmm.. is that Phillip? or Charles? visiting them)..but he needs to try harder cos I spotted him in the end! Love to everyone hope today goes well.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck boys! Keep the hard work up as your doing a great job!

Arranmore Car & Passenger Ferry Service said...

hi Joe,
I am very proud of you and the boys. Just to let you all know the the local chemist from Dungloe and Gweedore have given so much stuff, that our kitchen is filling up. We are still looking for ways of getting all this wonderful stuff out to you but never fear we will. The items that you lot took out was great but we have so much more so don't worry we will get it out.
Also the local kids in Arranmhore are getting together for Xmas to send A4 envelope with a xmas card in Irish and English. With a xmas greeting from them along with a small surprise for the young ones. Hope it works out. The school children will be keeping an eye on the progress of our boys. Through the school's own computer.

Rosaleen said...

Hi Patrick

Glad to know all is going well, you'll all be delighted to know your missing lots of lovely rain.

Rodger all your hard graft to get the project off the ground is paying off, fair play to you.

Joe keep the blogs going will tune in often as we are thinking of you all every day.

Best wishes across the net, Paddy this Mammy, first time on a blog for me! Love Mammy, Anne & Rosaleen

Anonymous said...

ye slads!!!!hows d work goin?dad how cum ur not on msn?us wer all in the donegal news today!

Arranmore Car & Passenger Ferry Service said...

hi joe and rest of the lads. great spread in the Donegal News today, full page spread for all of you with great picture of all you guys. hope going good. keep it up. missing you all. not much fun at home. see you all soon. xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Good Day im new to this, I came accross this forum I find It positively accommodating and it's helped me so much. I should be able to give something back & help other people like it has helped me.

Cheers, See You Later

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Children of Namitembo CD Secondary

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary
These Kids Made it to School