Monday, September 29, 2008

last Lap

Well the men fought and fought harder, but still No RingBeam.

think still that these 8 men Achieved something never to have happened before so fast to Reach Wall Plate (up to the Square),in short time.
and these men worked in harmony with the local Lads to Secure the Roof is ready,
the Roof is Waiting to Go, just need to Allow Ring beam to Stand for week or 2.

meanwhile in the Camp the men prepare to Depart in the morning,, so tension is High as they say there goodbyes to all the Villagers from Namitembo today,

God only knows how many of the Locals will turn out for the Farewell Departure .
Father Eóin Reckons that no matter how many turn out on day he can handle croud control, as he Came from Donegal (Native)himself.
The whole Missionary,Fr Frank, Fr Eóin and John the Yank,Treated us like(family)and we ate well, like Kings of our Country. we will really miss there hospitality.

More Gossip about Andy just in ,
he was on Safari, told not to lean out of the Jeep / dont Grab anything outside the Jeep, Did he Listen , "No" as Being Andy, He knew different . hehe
well he went on as he always does . Grabbing everything ,

2 plasters later Andy feels sorry for himself, Leg Almost Gangreen(scuse the spelling) , oh an forgot mention he encountered a Black eye too , not dropping any names but think Hugh is behind the Eye Craic.

Hope to load some more Pictures tomorrow ,
Bwanna Rua is sick as he has Sunburn on his hands ,hehe.every time he puts his hands in his pocket he wipes cream off, Cant keep him on E45.

Big Paddy still looking for wife too, he has mary and diane running round whole of Blantyre searching for his bride . Paddy also cut his head on doorframe.

more injury news , moose cricked his neck ,joe still has Muscle Spasms from pool/
Hugh next victim of the sick bug as he cant keep his Malaria tablets down.. not Funny,Funny ,hehe.

Temperature 38 degrees again today,
not that you be bothered with that seeing you all stuck in rain from donegal.

on an Interesting Note ,

the 8 men from Rosses / 1 from Mullingar/1 from Falkirk want to leave there own comments as to how they Handled it in Deep of Malawi(Namitembo).

Stay tuned for More next day


Anonymous said...

It'l be good to see you all back safely.. I'll miss following the progress you've when you going back to paimt it?.. Tell Mary to update her site as not even on it!!!! (they need you Joe)
You are all amazing for what you have achieved, you should be very proud..not many people actually make a difference in this world but you have. xx

Unknown said...

hi Joe and the rest of the boys. well thats you lot done, and boy the amount you have achived is unreal. You all should be very proud of yourselfs as we are here at home.
looking forward to seeing you all home and safe, bar the few cuts and black eye here and there. I think what you all have done is something for all of us to remember. Cant wait to see you Joe xx

Unknown said...

Hi guys, Well done on all the great work ye have done in such a short space of time. Great to see. I only know Andy and Hugh, and I can tell ye now Andy could never do what he is told. Black eye and the rest dont surprise me at all!!!!! Very proud of you Andy and of course the rest of you lads too. Try abd keep safe for the rest of the trip. Take care. See you soon Andy. Ann Daly

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary

Children of Namitembo CD Secondary
These Kids Made it to School